Friday, January 27, 2012

Learning Search Engine Optimization

I have worked at Mainstreethost for awhile now and I can honestly say that I have learned more about computers, technology, the social media world, and SEO marketing since I started than I did in four years obtaining a college Bachelor's degree.

I feel very lucky to even have a job in this economy and I have appreciated the opportunity to work at Mainstreethost since the day I started. At the very beginning I thought I was learning so much in such little time.  To this day, every day I feel like I am learning something new. I am now able to teach my clients more and more about SEO and what I have been doing for their website and their business in getting them more traffic to their site and potentially more customers.

Having a website design and programming background, learning about search engine optimization is now the key tool in tying everything together.  Knowing how to build and design a website as well as be able to optimize the site properly is key.

It feels so good to have received so many great reviews from all of my clients.  Taking the time out to explain the optimization process, what the meta tags mean and what they will do for them are a few things they are looking for.  I also always spend a great deal of time researching keywords and key phrases for each and every client's website.  When I go to show them what phrases I have come up with as well as explain  why I have chosen them shows the client that I am very serious about the job I am doing for them and that I will always take the time out to do what is best for their business.

Google's search algorithms as well as various other search engines and the way SEO works is changing constantly.  With this being said, there is always something new to learn almost every day from our research and development team at Mainstreethost.  I will try to update this blog quite frequently explaining some of the services that we offer with experiences and knowledge that I have gained that coincides.