Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Link Building & Quarterly Reporting

Our Research & Development department here at Mainstreethost are always researching and learning about Google and other search engine's changing algorithms and standards.  They are also constantly looking for new and better ways to serve our clients.

We have recently converted many of our clients into a quarterly reporting system.  Each one of these quarterly reports is sent out to the client about every three months if he or she is enrolled in an annual package with Mainstreethost.  The report includes any current rankings within the search engines of keywords and phrases as well as any statistics over the course of the period showing any progress of the site.   These graphs may also show what we need to improve on.  I give my clients descriptions on each statistic that I include so they fully understand where they stand as well as understand what everything means.

Reports are also showing our clients exactly what we have done each month in regards to the maintenance of their website.  As there are so many talented people at Mainstreethost, I have been trained extremely well in checking each of my client's webmaster tools for any type of crawl errors on the website and have learned how to go about to fix them.  Coincidentally, just recently, I was taking a look at one of my client's website and I had noticed that her website was set up so that many of her pages were not being seen by search engines.  Out of a total of 40 pages to her website, about only 10 pages were actually being seen.  I of course fixed this for her and she was extremely thrilled of my discovery when I had the chance to tell her about it!

One of the reasons why Mainstreethost has set up this new system of quarterly reporting rather than sticking with just monthly reporting is so that we can spend a lot more time researching for other things that will benefit our client.  This may be any SEO changes, trying to figure out what their competitor has that they do not, or researching about other services that they will benefit from.  I firmly believe that this new system is a great idea.  Each month we are still staying in contact with our clients, keeping them up to date with what we have done to improve the visibility to their site.  By the time the report comes out there is a whole lot to talk about.

Mainstreethost also has a link building program in place.  Now offered as an additional service, link building is extremely important when it comes to search engine optimization.  We build a links page for our clients that allow us to add relevant links to the page that will in turn add credibility to their website.  We spend a great deal of time researching inbound links as well as outbound links.  Links are a crucial part of gaining credibility to a website. Inbound links can really boost the amount of referral traffic to your website.  Our SEO team is dedicated to taking the time to research which links will be beneficial for your business.

If you have any questions about link building or our new quarterly reporting system please feel free to ask.  Also, if you would like to suggest a topic for an upcoming discussion on my blog, feel free to leave a comment!